Design for Emergent Learning @ Offbeat Sparks

Yesterday I traveled all the way from my village to Google’s office in Bucharest to deliver a presentation at Offbeat Sparks – an overbooked event about L&D in the corporate context. To an audience of more than 70 L&D people, I connected my newfound passion for natural building with my old time passion for learning […]

Learning like a spinning top

Context: “Learning Like a Spinning Top” is one of about one hundred patterns in A Pattern Language For Emergent Learning. This pattern language is “The Method” section of my upcoming book: “Making our own university – Memoir, Manifesto, Method“. I’ve been testing this pattern in various settings like The L&D Shakers Learning Fest. Here is […]

Profilele angajabilitatii

Astazi avem un invitat special la seminarul de fundamentele pedagogiei. Andrei ne va vorbi despre “Ce poti faci ca absolvent de stiintele educatiei”. Intamplator lucrez la un proiect de cercetare (amator) in care ne punem problema angajabilitatii. Am gasit pe site-ul Higher Education Academy un document intitulat “Employability profiles”. Am extras “employability profile” pentru educatie. […]